Selasa, 06 Desember 2016

Careful, 5 Habits It Can Cause Cancer!

Cancer is a disease that is incurable and one of the leading causes of death worldwide.
Research in 2012 proved that every year as many as 8.2 million people died from cancer every year and the number is increasing. Hence, a need to understand that a lot of things that can lead to cancer, even of simple things that you use frequently or do everyday.
Any habit that often people do, and unwittingly these habits can actually trigger cancer? The following descriptions compiled by Meet Doctor after a review by dr. Jezzy Reisya.
1. Wearing Cosmetics Unsafe
Cosmetics that contain chemicals can increase a person's risk of developing cancer. The ingredients contained in cosmetics such as methylparaben, toluene, and Octinoxate can be absorbed by the skin and are difficult to filter up to be capable of causing breast cancer, skin cancer, and blood cancer. To prevent this, it is advisable to always clean up of cosmetics, check the ingredients contained in cosmetics, treat facial with natural ingredients, and avoid the use of cosmetics for those who have sensitive skin.
2. Consuming alcohol
According to the American Cancer Society, more or often a person consumes alcohol, the higher their risk of developing liver cancer, prostate, pancreas, colon, and breast. Compounds contained in the alcohol can damage the tissues of the mouth, esophagus, liver, and the DNA in the core network. A person who drank more than 50 grams of alcohol per day in fact 4-7 times greater risk of cancer than those who did not drink.
3. Use sunscreen wrong
One way to prevent skin cancer is to use sunscreen properly. Most people ignore the how to use sunscreen every two hours, especially when you have to meet the skin to sunlight for long periods of time. Based on information from the Skin Care Foundation, sunscreen works best when applied 30 minutes before you're in the sun in order to provide sufficient time to fully binding, moisturizing, while maintaining the skin.
4. Lack of sleep
Enough sleep or rest is the key to your health untama. However, if your bad sleep habits, it is not healthy, but cancer that will threaten you. The habit of working at night and irregular sleep increases the risk of cancer by 27 percent. While those who did not nap will double the cancer risk than those who had rested for 30 minutes during the day. So, do not forget to rest for 6-8 hours per day.
5. Breathing dirty air
You did the workers, especially in large cities, it is not easy to avoid exposure to dust, fumes, or the dirty air. The dirty air makes you susceptible to lung cancer. To overcome or prevent this, use a mask when outside the home and replace the mask of at least once a day.

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